Hot Mess Fashion

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Blogging fashion and style. Life should be non stop fashion hot and mess. Fashion Hot Mess on FACEBOOK and TWITTER - Se@rch and you will find <3

Saturday 29 May 2010

Sex and the City fashion inspiration?

At least we had, or thought we had the comfort of ..

If the movie isn't great, the fashion will make up for it ..


With the exception of a small number of pieces, there was nothing overwhelming about the fashion in the movie.
In fact the most overwhelming fashion was the red dress which Samantha wore in the kareoke scene in Abu Dhabi - hot, but..

A bit too reminiscent of the red dress Carrie has hidden in the back of her closet in the first movie.

Disappointing and uninspiring all round.

Saturday 15 May 2010

Did Someone Order Two Fashion Hot Messes?

Blondes .. white blondes .. have better fun

They are top of the class of fashion hot messes

Proof in the pic